Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't get Discouraged, God is with you!

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Joshua 1:9

This is my all time favorite verse of the Bible. It amazes me how God reminds us that He is with us wherever we go. When we are headed in the wrong direction, He gently lets know. So how can we be strong and of good courage when we go through dark times? He reminds us that He is with us wherever we go, even in those dark places where we think He is not with us. Praise God! That is comforting to know especially when you are in a desert season and you think God doesn’t hear you or that you are alone. The devil would have you think that you are alone, and things are going to get worse before they get better; but he is a liar and the father of lies and God’s word is true and He is faithful. If He says that He will be with us wherever we go then you can be sure that He is there in the middle of the dry desert with you. Let us walk today in courage, encouraged, and let us not be afraid of what is ahead because God is with us and He prepares the way. Be strengthened in the Lord this morning and know that all things work for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. He is with you wherever you go.

The Lord has spoken to me through this verse on many occasions and I have been truly blessed by it. I hope you are too.

Heavenly Father,
If anyone reading this is struggling with loneliness, anxiety, fear, doubt, or depression. If anyone reading this is going through a battle they think they cannot win, Lord let them know that You are always with them. Let them know that You are with those whom You call, those whom are called Your children. Father let them feel Your loving arms around them that they may know that You are closer than they can possibly imagine. Father strengthen them and deliver them from the whatever is tormenting them that makes them think that You are not aware of their situations. Lord I ask You to bless them as only You can and give them peace.
In Jesus mighty name,