Monday, December 22, 2008

Rainbows in the Sky. What do they mean?

And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:12-17

The people closest to me know that I love rainbows. It’s not just the colors or the brightness of it when it comes out right after a sun shower or a rainy day, or the almost majestic way it sits in the sky and seems to stretch so close that you can touch it that intrigues me. It’s what the rainbow stands for that leaves me in awe and the beauty of it is just a perk. Before I tell you what the rainbow stands for (for those of you who don’t know), I would like to share something with you.

On my blog page I have a layout with beautiful mountain scenery and a rainbow that crosses over the front of the mountains. I think its peaceful scenery describes God’s serenity. Well I was showing a friend of mine my page and she asked me about the rainbow and told me what it meant to the world. It so happens that to the world the rainbow is the symbol of gay pride. Needless to say I was beside myself when I heard that and told her what the bible says about the rainbow. When I think about it, it is just another way Satan has tried to take something that God has meant for good and twist it to associate it with something sinful, but he is a liar and the father of them and God is still on the throne and always will be.

The people of Noah’s time had turned their backs on God and were very wicked. The bible says that the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great and the intent of his heart was only evil, and He was sorry He had made man and grieved in His heart. (Gen. 7:5-6 paraphrased) God saw that there was a man who found grace in His eyes. That man was Noah. So the Lord spoke to Noah and had him build an ark for him, his family, and seven sets of every clean animal, bird, and creepy crawly thing on earth and one set of every unclean animal and bird. While Noah built the ark he preached to the people and told them to repent for judgment was coming but the people would not listen and thought Noah was crazy. The day came when God told Noah to take his family and the animals and to go into the ark. Once they did, the heavens opened up and it rained for forty days and forty nights, till there was nothing living left on the earth except for those in the ark. When the rains had stopped and the earth dried, Noah, his family, and the animals came out of the ark and Noah offered sacrifices to the Lord and the Lord when He smelled the sweet aroma said in His heart that would never again curse the ground for man’s sake. Henceforth the rainbow!!

The real meaning of the rainbow my dear friends is the “covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is in the earth.” It is the covenant that He made with Noah and every living creature with him to never again destroy all flesh with flood waters. The rainbow is the sign of promises! Whenever I see a rainbow, I am reminded that God is the God who keeps His word. He is the God of covenants or pacts. When God makes a covenant with you, you can be sure that whatever He promised will come to pass! Hallelujah!! When I see the rainbow, I am reminded of the promises God has made to me and mine and I am filled with gratitude and hope because I know that He keeps His word! Praise God!

My friend suggested that I write a devotional about the rainbow so that whoever comes across my page on the web will not get the wrong idea about me because of the rainbow. I am writing it to let everyone know the true meaning of the rainbow and what it means to me. The word says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6), and I wanted everyone who comes across this page to know what it really means and that God is a promise keeper! He keeps His word and it never returns to Him void but fulfills the purpose for which He sends it.

My friends, whenever you see a rainbow in the sky, remember the promises God has made over your life and be reassured that they will come to pass and you will rejoice on they day of their fulfillment.


Unknown said...

Great description of the meaning of a rainbow, and excellent Biblical information. Thank You!

Unknown said...

I just send a rainbow on September 8, 2013 and my husband said the same thing ..we both took a pic of the rainbow ..I knew that day was special ..God is sooo great ....He shines his mercy and grace upon our lives ...God bless this world and his ppl ..

Unknown said...

I was sitting on my porch in Colorado Springs, I looked up and there was a rainbow,it seemed I needed to get up and capture the rainbow so I took my phone and capture 5 photos of the rainbow. I then came in and googled "what does it mean when you see a rainbow in the sky?", your blog was at the very top of the search. Thank God for you. This is like another covenant from God that His word would come back to Him void. This also confirmed Salvation as I know it. God is REAL, there is no doubt in my mind. thanx

Provider Access said...

Wow I could read this over and over again! Love it! Thank you for your wisdom and understanding and how you explain it in details! For someone that really doesn't understand can google and be able read your blog! I was raised in church all my life at one point I backslid and found that there was nothing in this world I want more but my Gods presence and His Grace! Thank you again and keep up the Amazing writing you do for The Lord! God bless!

Anonymous said...

God bless you all, and all glory to the King of Kings. I am so happy this word ministered to you. I haven't written in a while so thank you for the encouragement. I will be posting new blogs soon and I pray they bless all who read. Please keep me in your prayers so that God will continue to inspire to write for His glory and His honor.

cuppcake said...

i found your blog post very inspiring and interesting. thank you for sharing this information.

Unknown said...

God is awesome

wanida Whitlock said...

I just post a picture of a Rainbow covering over my house.It was so Beautiful and peaceful knowing God covenant to us in his word.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. I saw a rainbow in sky as I was leaving college. I felt like it was a sign from God to let me know that He is here with us. It was great timing. I,really needed to see this rainbow. God is an awesome God. We all need His love without Him we will be lost. God is my everything. God is a forgiving God.

Unknown said...

I saw a rainbow and felt like God took the time to remind us all of his majestic presence and his dominion over all beings. It was truly beautiful

Anonymous said...

Cheryl Foxhall September 16, 2015

I saw a rainbow and I felt so excited as I look at stretching across the sky. Nothing but God sending his covenant between us. The colors were beautiful.

Anonymous said...

September 16, 2015

I saw a rainbow and I felt so excited as I look at stretching across the sky. Nothing but God sending his covenant between us. The colors were beautiful.

Anonymous said...

One day last week I had a couple of discouraging things happen, one being a job I didn't get after 3 interviews. Less than an hour after receiving that news, I saw a full radiant rainbow, almost arching over me as I was driving. It was the most magnificent rainbow I have seen in my entire life. After that, I knew everything was going to be okay. God is my protector. Thank you for showing me the biblical meanings.

Unknown said...

I see Rainbows all the time, since 2013. My daughter died in 2010. Since her passing i have recicved special impartations by the holy spirit. Rainbows symbolism is God promises to all his children. I am know almost done ans getting ready to publish my book. The Angels Above the Rainbow. It is a true symbolic story on how i overcame my extreme grief and saddness after losing three dear ones within a three year period. Since God given me specific instuctions to write and share my story how i was healed, i started seeing rainbows in 2013. God given me a vision to share how my healing angels comforted me. We were at the store yesterday daughter said momma look a rainbow momma." It was beautiful in colors. A huge white cloud hovered over the was beautiful!!!! We took pictures. We even video the rainbow. This article was enlighten to me. Rainbows are promises from God. I truly believe. God is going to make sure my book is publish. It has been a struggle but by faith i know the Rainbows signifies that my book will be released after three years of working hard to publicate my work. All the ups and downs, the long nites, revising, reformatting, editing the whole process. God will prevail in the end. My God is great and even so his promises to all mankind and humanity.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Today, without a drop of rain, there I see in the sky a rainbow. I turned to look again it was gone. God does special things for those He loves, reminding us that he is faithful, he cares and yes, he knows. It's hope spoken without words. A hug given without arms. And encouragement shouting loudly from his throne. I am grateful, thoroughly grateful!

Anonymous said...

Amen. Today, without a drop of rain, there I see in the sky a rainbow. I turned to look again it was gone. God does special things for those He loves, reminding us that he is faithful, he cares and yes, he knows. It's hope spoken without words. A hug given without arms. And encouragement shouting loudly from his throne. I am grateful, thoroughly grateful!

Unknown said...

Dear Chris I can only tell you that God is working very close in your life I personally know this because I personally know God that may sound crazy to some people but at one times I did not believe in God or anything else that was good and had No Love in my heart no conscience in my soul a very dangerous man to society then something wonderful happened I went to prison and there I met God now I know how people say when you go to prison everybody gets jailhouse religion the crazy thing is God is really real there and the other crazy thing is if you look in the Bible all the apostles went to prison and even Jesus God put me there in prison to learn about him and the love he had for me by the way in prison the only time you can ever get out of your cell is church call and the only book you can get inside in there is the Bible and it still goes on today and nothing's changed anyway Chris I came out of prison 2001 fast forward I got married to a wonderful woman a Christian I had a daughter reinvented a new relationship with my son from a previous marriage I became very successful and very wealthy and did it legitimate however some we're down the line I started hanging with non-believers and going on the wrong path I wasn't going to church and reading my Bible I fell back to my old ways.. two years ago and I lost everything to the point of almost being homeless it's been a long two years however I turn my life back to God and I realize he never left me I left him now I'm back in church and reading my Bible my relationship with God is wonderful my relationship with my wife is restored and my relationship with my family is restored the other day I packed up a Penske Rental Truck and a U-Haul trailer a great combo by the way and I prayed to God that this move I'm making will be a new mark in my life and that my family will never suffer again and I told God that I can't do this without him and that I needed him more than ever and I will never turn my back on him again as long as I live well we picked up and went to another state I'm sitting in a Hotel room right now with my family and getting ready to start a new job and my neighbor Terri sent me this picture of are rental truck as we were leaving with a rainbow over it that looks like it's going into the truck from the sky I only wish I knew how to post it so you can see it and she ask me if we made it little does she know yes we are going to make it because God is with me and he just reassured me the Covenant between him and I with that picture that he will never give up on me and like Noah I'm starting over I just want to thank you for bringing that to my attention when I looked up what does a rainbow mean thank you Chris God bless you... Larry Conley
PS when I get settled in and have more time I'll tell you the incredible story how I became a Christian it's to the point of almost unbelievable but remember nothing is more incredible than the miracles of god

Anonymous said...

I saw a beautiful double rainbow today, Googled the meaning, came across your description, the best, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

God is awesome! I have been having hard times, suffered injustice and reached a point where I have lost all hopes. I have been up the mountain and praying everyday. Everytime I plead with the Lord for His Mercy and help, there and then I see rainbows. And this happens even in unusual weather where you can not expect to see rainbows. But God's faithfulness is beyond what I can comprhend. I am just waiting for His timing to get me out of the mud where I thought I will sink deep and never see the light of a life that God has intended for me. God is good and I cling onto His promise. Halelelujah!

Valerie Torrence said...

That meaning was beautiful. I saw a rainbow today, labor day of 2017. I was sitting on my bed & looked out my window & saw the rainbow jus sitting n the sky over the river. I live n an aptmnt on the river, it was beautiful. Also, this happen to hv happened the vry day after I returned home from a spiritual silent retreat@Mansard n Bloomfield Mich. How timing & befitting, atleast I feel. Thnxs4sharing the original meaning of the rainbow. :-).

Anonymous said...

GOD's love encompasses all people, even those born gay.

Chris said...

Dear Anonymous,
I agree God’s love does encompass all people including the gay community. God loves them with an indescribable love however allow me to explain something to you. God did not create or design men and women to be gay so I have to disagree with your comment about people being “born” gay. You see throughout the Bible God speaks against homosexuality. While He loves the homosexual, He does not love the sin of homosexuality. He loves the sinner but hates sin and when the sinner repents of his/her sins, he/she is set free from that lifestyle choice. I hope this is not offensive to you as I am not saying it to tear you down or judge you. I only want to clarify in love the misconception that people are “born” gay. I pray that you receive these words objectively. God bless you.

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Unknown said...

There is a rainbow in the skies of Oakland near the Oakland Airport right now as I'm typing my reply. It's so beautiful.